
Basic Gymnastics Program with Kristin Holte and Joakim Rygh


Do you want to learn to do a Pull-Up? Or a Toes-to-bar? Or start the road to a Handstand Hold? Then this program is for you!

It is a 3 sessions/week program for 6 weeks. We will focus on Pull-Ups, Toes-to-bar and Handstand and give you good exercises for healthy shoulders.

What is included:

  • 3 sessions per week
  • 60 min per session
  • Each session include spesific technique training for each movement and also accessories for healthy shoulders
  • This program is for beginners
  • Demo videos for all exercises
  • Feedback via Facebook Group
  • After Signing up here you will get an email from TrueCoach where you create an account and get access to the program


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